Monday, February 20, 2012

Honeymoon is Over.....

So they told us when we got here that we would have a honeymoon period where everything seemed great and everything you did was so exciting, but then it would end at some point. It was only a matter of when. I originally thought nahhhhh that is not ever going to happen to me while I am here, but unfortunately it did today.

It was just one of those days where one thing kept going wrong after another......having to deal with the car insurance, Jackson screaming throughout the grocery store, yogurt spilling all over the floor, people getting better offers than doing stuff with you, getting ready for that time of the month.....just not the way to start the week.

In light of all this it has made me extremely greatful for all of the things that no matter where I am living I still have: my loving husband, my wonderful son, an amazing family, and the best friends back home in the United States that I could ever ask for.

So while the honeymoon is over and the excitment of my arrival to Germany has settled, I see it not as an ending but as the start of a new phase of actually LIVING life here in Germany. This is when I feel the true adventure truly begins.......


  1. :0( Well, count your many blessing! That is often the way! Nice reframe by the way! Your in the Morgan prayers! Have you mastered the German tongue?

    1. Not even close. I know enough to get by, but I am hoping it improve greatly with my 1:1 lessons starting next week.
